1.) The average car in the UK now costs £27,219 ($42,649). The average uber journey is estimated to be £8.60. With those estimates you could take 3,250 uber journeys before it would amount to the initial cost of a car.
2.) Cars are in motion for an average of 4% of the day. The remaining 96% of the time they sit there losing value.
3.) According to recent statistics 47 hours of lessons are required before a test should be taken. With that time you could learn an entirely new skill. For instance, you could learn to be a professional web developer in just 28 hours with this course:https://www.udemy.com/complete-web-developer-course/?couponCode=harry99
4.) Maintenance: The average fuel expenditure is £2,600 per year, with a whopping £600 on insurance. Making the total maintenance excluding servicing £3,200. YIKES!
5.) The typical car on the road has 1.2 passengers, a partnership of Google’s driverless cars and Uber would allow the car to be on the road for 23/24 hours, reducing the number of cars by an estimated 4/5. Therefore not only is Uber awesome but it is environmentally friendly.
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